How to Find Your Tribe in Hong Kong

29 Aug 2018 | Veronica

Hong Kong is a very transient city and as a result the expat community is very welcoming. It’s normal to be invited to tag along to a birthday party, going away party, or junk party of people you’ve never met. You can easily find other new arrivals to the city – as lost and as keen to explore as you are. But let’s face it: we all have moments questioning who really would be there to answer our Whatsapp call when we really need it. Here are a few ways to branch out and find your ride or dies in the city. is focused around specific interests, and you can find a group for just about everything. If there’s something you like that doesn’t currently have a group? Make it, and you’ll have people joining you in no time.

2. Lani

This Facebook messenger bot is run by a group of people who wanted something similar to meetup, but not necessarily focused on one specific interest. Once you’re set up with the bot, you’ll get messages when they’ve planned their next adventure – expect a range of hiking, events, and exploring cool spots in the city.

3. Volunteer through Hands On Hong Kong

Volunteering is something you’ve heard over and over again, but I can’t recommend it enough in this city. Hands On Hong Kong has an easy-to-use calendar showing all the details you need – language requirements, commitment level, and a huge range of NGO partners. It’s a great way to meet locals, join a community, and see a side of the city beyond nights in LKF (Lan Kwai Fong).

4. Toastmasters

Improve your public speaking skills while making invaluable connections at the infamous Toastmasters groups. Check their website for the closest meet up in your neighbourhood- they’re all over the city. Groups on the island side (in Central, especially) tend to be more English-speaking.

5. Dating Apps

I’m not joking! Hong Kong is small. While you might not find true love, dating around and having unsuccessful dates can lead to some great friendships. Chances are you’ll bump into anyone you match with anyways, or they’ll know someone you know, so may as well get used to not burning any bridges!

(Image Source: Created by Freepik)

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