How to Find Your Tribe in Hong Kong
29 Aug 2018 | Veronica Hong Kong is a very transient city and as a result the expat community is very welcoming. It’s normal to be invited to tag along to a birthday party, going away party, or junk party of people you’ve never met. You can easily find other new arrivals to the city – as lost and as keen to explore as you are. But let’s face it: we all have moments questioning who really would be there to answer our Whatsapp call when we really need it. Here are a few ways to branch out and find your ride or dies in the city. 1. is focused around specific interests, and you can find a group for just about everything. If there’s something you like that doesn’t currently have a group? Make it, and you’ll have people joining you in no time. 2. Lani This Facebook messenger bot is run by a group of people who wanted something similar to meetup, but not necessarily focused on one specific interest. Once you’re set up with the bot, you’ll get messages w...